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Spanish (SPAN)

SPAN 1010 - Elementary Spanish I - 3 credits

This introductory course is designed for students who have studied little or no Spanish. Through a wide variety of activities that develop real-world skills, the student will be introduced to the fundamental structure of the language. Presented through a cultural framework, the acquisition of speaking and listening skills is emphasized. Not open to native speakers. Heritage speakers must seek departmental approval.

This course meets the General Education International/Global Interdependence requirement.

SPAN 1020 - Elementary Spanish II - 3 credits

The second semester of Elementary Spanish. Not open to native speakers. Heritage speakers must seek departmental approval.

This course meets the General Education International/Global Interdependence requirement.

Prerequisite: SPAN 1010 or one year of high school Spanish or departmental approval.

SPAN 1030 - Spanish for Health, Criminal Justice, and Social Services - 3 credits

This course provides students with basic language skills, giving special attention to the needs of students who plan to work in community/social and medical service positions. No previous study of Spanish required. Not open to native speakers.

This course meets the General Education International/Global Interdependence requirement.

SPAN 1040 - Spanish for Health, Criminal Justice, and Social Services II - 3 credits

The second semester of Spanish for Social Services. Not open to native speakers. Heritage speakers must seek departmental approval.

This course meets the General Education International/ Global Interdependence requirement.

Prerequisite: SPAN 1010 or SPAN 1030 or one year of high school Spanish or departmental approval.

SPAN 2010 - Intermediate Spanish I - 3 credits

This course is designed to build upon a student’s basic proficiency in the Spanish language. A complete review of elementary grammar concepts and essential vocabulary sets the foundation for strengthening the student’s communicative skills. Task-based activities encourage an integration of these skills in a functional use of the language. Videos, songs, and Web materials enhance the student’s understanding of the cultural differences within the Spanish-speaking world. Not open to native speakers. Heritage speakers must seek departmental approval.

This course meets the General Education International/Global Interdependence requirement.

Prerequisite: SPAN 1020 or two years of high school Spanish or departmental approval.

SPAN 2020 - Intermediate Spanish II - 3 credits

The second semester of Intermediate Spanish. Not open to native speakers. Heritage speakers must seek departmental approval.

This course meets the General Education International/ Global Interdependence requirement.

Prerequisite: SPAN 2010 or two years of high school Spanish or departmental approval.

SPAN 2200 - The Culture of Spain - 3 credits

Who are the real Spaniards and how does Spain relate to Latin America and the greater Hispanic world? Beginning with an overview of Spain’s history, geography, language, and religion, this course will examine Spain’s development and transformation into a thoroughly modern, creative, and dynamic nation. Through various media – readings, film, visual arts, and music– we will attempt to define this very old, yet at the same time, modern culture. Taught in English. No previous study of Spanish required.

This course meets the General Education International/ Global Interdependence requirement.

Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or departmental approval.

SPAN 3010 - Spanish Composition and Conversation I - 3 credits

This course is designed to provide advanced training in oral and written expression to students with intermediate proficiency in Spanish. Emphasis will be on the improvement of speaking and writing skills in a variety of everyday situations, while developing functional vocabulary and reviewing grammar. Selected videos and readings provide a point of departure for composition and group discussion, as well as increasing cultural insights into the Spanish-speaking world.

This course meets the General Education International/Global Interdependence requirement.

Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or three years of high school Spanish or departmental approval.

SPAN 3020 - Spanish Composition and Conversation II - 3 credits

The second semester of Spanish Composition and Conversation.

This course meets the General Education International/Global Interdependence requirement.

Prerequisite: SPAN 3010 or departmental approval.

SPAN 3030 - Intensive Practice in Spoken Spanish - 3 credits

Stresses advanced oral expression in everyday situations, functional vocabulary, realistic dialogues, and practical situations. Some conversations may center on a discussion of readings in Spanish. Not open to native speakers.

Prerequisite: SPAN 3020 or departmental approval.