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Marketing (MRKT)

MRKT 2000 - Marketing Analytics - 3 credits

Fall Semester

This course will take a digitally driven approach to marketing analytics, an exciting field undergoing explosive growth and high demand. The course will emphasize the practical methods used to measure, manage and analyze consumer information. Topics covered will include making sense of the digital media landscape, demand forecasting and predictive analytics, performance evaluation, and Google Analytics. Upon completion of this course, students will have gained the knowledge and skills that directly translates to modern marketing practices.

MRKT 2100 - Digital Marketing - 3 credits

Fall Semester

Companies are increasingly shifting marketing efforts to digital platforms such as search engines, social media and mobile technologies. These technologies influence customers, consumer behavior, purchasing and have an impact on firm performance. It is important for students to understand various digital strategies and familiarize themselves with some of the technologies underlying them.

Prerequisite: MRKT 2520.

MRKT 2110 - Sales Management - 3 credits

Spring Semester

Designed to make students knowledgeable about the roles and methodology of sales and sales management. Investigates the traits, tactics, performance issues, roles and decision-making processes that enable men and women to become successful salespersons and sales managers. In-depth training will cover the business of finding potential customers, assessing consumer knowledge and customer attitudes, setting goals and quotas, designing and presenting effectively, winning buyer/corporate confidence and following critical decision-making areas that influence sales and ongoing relationships.

Prerequisite: BUS 1000.

MRKT 2120 - Retailing Management - 3 credits

Fall Semester

An in-depth look at the retailing industry: a seven trillion- dollar worldwide market. Retailing is the last step in the chain between manufacturer, wholesaler and customer. Examined is the importance of retailing in our lives, the monetary and social aspects of this marketplace, the opportunities for employment and management, and the inclusion and impact of the Internet on retail practices. Designed to teach the theory and practice of buying, merchandising, pricing, promotion, inventory management, customer service, location, and design of display and lighting that triggers customer interest and buying desire. Students will be asked to analyze many competitive chains, the look of the store, its pricing, the professionalism and training of its staff and to analyze web sites that are meant to mirror their bricks and mortar counterparts.

Prerequisite: BUS 1000.

MRKT 2160 - Consumer Behavior - 3 credits

Offered periodically within a three-year academic cycle

This course will introduce the student to the field of consumer behavior and thus the roles that consumers play in the market place. Marketers who understand the needs and wants of the consumer along with their decision-making process can create a marketing mix that will best serve the market, while increasing sales and profitability. The course will introduce the consumer decision process, with emphasis on consumer decision making, product/brand perception, learning, group influences, and marketing strategy implications.

Prerequisites: BUS 1000, MRKT 2520.

MRKT 2520 - Marketing Management - 3 credits

Fall and Spring Semesters

Develops an understanding of marketing problems and emphasizes the dynamics of successful decision-making. The vital relationships of selling, advertising, pricing, and channels of distribution are analyzed in the light of consumer and marketing behavior. Required for Business Administration majors.

Prerequisite: BUS 1000.

MRKT 2790 - Principles of Public Relations - 3 credits

Fall and Spring Semesters

Publicity, propaganda, and spin are terms used to describe the public relations profession. Students will examine the evolution of public relations from its ancient roots to the modern day. Ethical and legal issues, as well as public opinion and research, will provide a framework on which to build an understanding of how public relations impacts individuals, organizations and governments. The role of public relations and the media will also be explored. In addition, students will be introduced to specialty areas within public relations including special events, crisis communications, community relations, and others. (Same course as PR 2790).

MRKT 3000 - Marketing Research - 3 credits

Spring Semester

This course will introduce the marketing student to the areas of marketing research and marketing information systems. Coverage of marketing information system design and the marketing research process, including: research design and sources of information, data collection methods, sampling procedures, data analysis and interpretation, and the formal research report.

Prerequisites: MIS 1010, BUS 2150, MRKT 2000, MRKT 2520.

MRKT 3100 - Advertising Management - 3 credits

Spring Semester

A study of the business and creative aspects of marketing communication as practiced in the United States and around the world. Examined are the purpose, methodology and social considerations of advertising as it impacts various media, and the public at large. Designed to teach theory and practice of advertising strategy, copy, production and media placement of television, radio, print and outdoor. Students will analyze current advertising; learn the roles and responsibilities of brand-managers, account executives, and the various departments inside corporate and agency headquarters. As a final project, students will be asked to create an advertising campaign.

Prerequisite: MRKT 2520.

MRKT 3560 - Global Marketing Management - 3 credits

Offered periodically within a three-year academic cycle

This course will explore the opportunities and challenges in developing marketing strategies and programs for the world- wide marketplace. We will study how a firm must adapt the process of planning, producing, placing, and promoting its products globally, responding to factors like culture, macro and political climate, infrastructure and demographics. We will cover the material using a combination of lectures, case discussions, and current readings.

Prerequisites: BUS 1610, MRKT 2520.

MRKT 3980 - Senior Seminar: Marketing Policy - 3 credits

Spring Semester

This course is designed to build upon previous learning outcomes and research assignments developed in all upper level marketing and business courses and provide a capstone experience for marketing majors by challenging them to apply the concepts, tools and techniques of strategic marketing to a series of case analyses and application of marketing strategies to develop a comprehensive marketing plan for an established or proposed company. Communication of such research and analysis will require students to prepare organized/structured written papers utilizing appropriate APA format and then present such findings to various audiences. Senior Standing Required.

Prerequisites: MRKT 2520, MRKT 2100, MRKT 3000.