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Navigated to Business Administration (Major).


The Business Administration Department integrates a combination of required and recommended courses and learning experiences, designed to prepare students for management in the Twenty-first Century. Teambuilding and problem-solving are emphasized throughout the program, as is an appreciation of the value of individual differences. At Curry, the ability to work with others, and to successfully complete upper-level offerings, begins in year one! The program develops and builds individual skills and provides an environment that enables the abilities of academically qualified students to be further tested in field settings and by other independent learning experiences as students progress through the curriculum. Graduates of the program will have demonstrable competence in business subject matter, and the principles and techniques of management.

Program Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will be able to apply the fundamental principles in the functional areas of business.

  2. Students will be able to integrate the functional areas of business and the broader community to informed decision making.

  3. Students will be able to apply ethical principles to leadership and management decisions.

  4. Students will be able to apply fundamental quantitative and qualitative support tools for decision-making.

  5. Students will be able to demonstrate effective professional communication skills as individuals and as productive members of teams.

  6. Students will be able to explain the global dimensions of business in a diverse environment. 

The Business Administration Program:



BUS 1000 Intro to Business


BUS 1010 Excel for Business


ACNT 1010 Financial Accounting (Prerequisite: Math Assessment)


ACNT 1011 Managerial Accounting


BUS 1610 Economics: Macro


BUS 1611 Economics: Micro


MIS 1010 Managing with Information Systems


AC 1030 Communication Technology




Major Core Requirements:


BUS 2000 Management Theory and Practice


BUS 2150 Quantitative Methods and Analytics


BUS 2250 Business Law


BUS 2550 Operations Management


MRKT 2520 Marketing Management


FIN 2000 Financial Management


BUS 3930 Management of International Business


BUS 3950 Business Ethics


BUS 3980 Senior Seminar: Management Policy




Electives at the 2000/3000-level



Prerequisite or Corequisites:

MATH 1150 Statistics I (for BUS 2150)



BUS 3450 Business Administration Internship and Seminar


BUS 3900 Special Project in Business Administration


(may count as 2000/3000-level electives in Business Administration.)

(Note: 3 credits of BUS 3450, or 3 credits of BUS 3900)

Business Administration Concentrations, Internships, and Special Projects:

Students may elect a Business Administration concentration in consultation with the Business Administration faculty listed below.

Completion of a concentration requires at least five courses from the list of offerings within the concentration.

Note: that a concentration-related internship, or a special project, may be substituted for one of the five required traditional classroom based courses listed within a concentration. Additional information regarding requirements for Business Administration Internships and Special Projects in Business Administration follows the section on Concentrations.

Business Administration Concentrations, Minors, Internships, Special Projects with Advisors:

Accounting E. Delano Data Analytics S. Cooray

Entrepreneurship/Small Business A. Fabrizio Finance M. Bennett

Human Resources A. Fabrizio/A. Graziano Management Information Systems Minor S. Cooray

Internships (for Business Administration) A. Fabrizio/M. Perrault Business Administration Minor A. Fabrizio

Marketing Minor A, Fabrizio

Special Projects (for Business Administration) A. Fabrizio Sport and Recreation Management Minor N. West Residential Property Management A. Fabrizio

Entrepreneurship/Small Business (Concentration)

BUS 2100 Small Business Concepts

MRKT 2110 Sales Management MRKT 2120 Retailing Management BUS 2550 Operations Management FIN 2820 Personal Finance

MRKT 3100 Advertising Management

One of the following may be substituted:

BUS 3450 Internship & Seminar BUS 3900 Special Project

Human Resources (Concentration)

BUS 2262 Employment and Labor Law

BUS 2265 Collective Bargaining and Labor Relations BUS 2500 Human Resource Management

BUS 2540 Employee Recruitment & Retention BUS 3500 Employee Training and Development BUS 3510 Leadership

BUS 3530 Total Compensation

One of the following may be substituted:

BUS 3450 Internship & Seminar BUS 3900 Special Project

Residential Property Management (Concentration)

BUS 2310 Residential Property Management I

BUS 2320 Residential Property Management II

BUS 3310 Advanced Residential Property Management

BUS 3320 Contemporary Issues in Residential Property Management

BUS 3900 Special Project in Management

BUS 3901 Capstone Field Work/Project in RPM


Junior and Senior Business Administration majors are encouraged to consider BUS 3450 to strengthen their resumes.

(3 credits of BUS 3450 may count as a 2000/3000-level elective in Business Administration.)


  1. A 3.00 average in Business Administration;

  2. A 2.75 cumulative (overall) average;

  3. An approved application (see BUS 3450 description).

Note: The approval of A. Fabrizio/M. Perrault must be obtained.


Senior majors should consider BUS 3900 to focus their chosen concentrations.

(3 credits of BUS 3900 may count as a 2000/3000-level elective in Business Administration.)


  1. A 3.00 average in Business Administration;

  2. A 2.75 cumulative (overall) average;

  3. An approved proposal (see BUS 3900 description).