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Finance (FIN)

FIN 2000 - Financial Management - 3 credits

Fall and Spring Semesters

Studies the principles and practices of corporate financial management. Examines various analytical and forecasting techniques, the time value of money concepts, cost of capital, management of working capital, capital budgeting, evaluation of capital projects using discounted cash flow, short and long- term financing, sources and uses of cash, and current asset management. Problem solving and cases are used.

This course meets the General Education Information Literacy Enhancement requirement for all majors.

Prerequisites: ACNT 1011 and BUS 1610.

FIN 2010 - Financial Markets and Institutions - 3 credits

Fall Semester

For Management students concentrating in finance who are considering careers in investment banking, money management, corporate finance or professional accounting. Will also serve students destined for other positions who need a working knowledge of financial markets and financial institutions. Combines study of institutional backgrounds and theory, with real-world applications of financial instruments and the markets they trade on.

Prerequisite: BUS 1610.

FIN 2820 - Personal Finance - 3 credits

Fall and Spring Semesters

An in-depth study of personal financial decisions, which the average person can expect to confront using the life-cycle approach. Emphasis throughout the course is given to applying theoretical knowledge to practical consumer-oriented problems in financial planning which must be addressed in an attempt to achieve a chosen life style.

This course meets the General Education Wellness requirement.

Prerequisite: Math Assessment.

FIN 3000 - Advanced Corporate Finance - 3 Credits

Offered Annually

This course examines important issues in corporate Finance from the perspective of financial managers who are responsible for making significant investment and financing decisions. The concept of net present value, suitably adapted to account for taxes, uncertainty, and strategic concerns, is used to analyze how investment and financing decisions interact to affect the value of the firm. The course covers topics that are important to decision- making in marketing, operations management, and corporate strategy. A large portion of the course covers capital budgeting, first without uncertainty, and then in the presence of uncertainty. Throughout, emphasis is placed on the interaction between (corporate and personal) taxes and the cost of capital. Topics covered in this context will include leasing and leveraged buyouts. The course also includes a treatment of dividend policy and capital market efficiency, as they relate to the value-maximization objective of the firm.

Pre-Requisite: FIN 2000

FIN 3010 Investments - 3 credits

Spring Semester

Examines the principles behind investing in securities such as stocks, bonds, options, and future contracts. Provides an understanding of how to analyze securities, how to determine whether they are appropriate for inclusion in an investment portfolio, and how to buy and sell them. Designed to impart practical knowledge to Business Administration students interested in becoming investment professionals or sophisticated private investors.

Prerequisite: FIN 2000.

FIN 3020 - Financial Modeling - 3 credits

Offered periodically within a three-year academic cycle

This course is focused on corporate financial modeling and is designed for students planning careers in areas such as corporate finance, private equity, venture capital, and mergers and acquisitions. the primary focus of the course is to relate the theory of finance to practical and usable spreadsheet models that will assist a financial manager with a firm’s Investment and financing decisions. Students will be introduced to both simulation and optimization models as well as various forecasting techniques.

Prerequisite: FIN 2000.

FIN 3830 International Finance - 3 credits

Offered periodically within a three-year academic cycle

The course introduces students to the conceptual framework in which financial decision making of international firms take place. Students will learn to assess the riskiness of a currency from a firm’s perspective and how to manage this exposure. In addition to the theoretical underpinnings of international finance we will cover the practical side of international financial decision making - the investment and funding problem. Thus, typical problems of global funding and international investment strategies as well as capital budgeting and capital structure. Issues will be analyzed from an international financial markets and institutions and aims particularly on international risk assessment (currency risk, political risk) and management.

Prerequisite: FIN 2000.