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Exercise Science (EXSC)

EXSC 1000 - Foundations of Exercise Science Professionals - 2 credits

Fall Semester

This is an introductory course where students will gain a foundational understanding about the professional field of exercise science. The emphasis of this course is for students to explore career opportunities within the field of exercise science as well as gain introspective skills to identify areas for personal growth. Through hands-on interaction with professionals in the field, students will develop skills in interprofessional interviewing, networking, and communication. By the end of the course, students will have a well-rounded perspective on the field of exercise science for future career opportunities, personal growth, areas of research, community involvement, and internship considerations.

EXSC 1200 - Nutrition for Health and Fitness - 3 credits

Spring Semester

This is an introductory course where students will gain foundational understanding of nutritional terminology, units of measure, bioenergetics, national guidelines, and global impact. Students will utilize this foundational knowledge to understand the relation of nutrition and exercise by integrating metabolism and physiology concepts within the context of health and fitness. Throughout the course, students will be challenged to think critically about current nutritional trends for various participant populations relating back to programming for health and fitness.

Prerequisite: Any EXSC, BIOL, CHEM or SCI course or permission of instructor.

EXSC 2001 - Applied Anatomy and Kinesiology - 3 credits

Fall Semester

This course is focused on diving deeper into the skeletal and muscular anatomy of the human body, including accurately palpating major landmarks. Students will be introduced to biomechanical concepts as applied to human movement. By the end of the course, students will have developed novice-level skill in applying anatomical and biomechanical rationale behind exercise selection as well as recognize how to adapt exercises to favor a specific muscle group.

Prerequisites: EXSC 1000, BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185.

EXSC 2020 - Exercise Physiology - 3 credits

Fall Semester

Foundational course in Human Exercise Physiology where physiological adaptations to exercise and energy requirements are explored and applied for both athletic and special populations. This is a lecture course designed to correspond with laboratory exercises in order to create both a didactic and practical understanding of the information covered. Specific topics include: Nervous System with Relation to Skeletal Muscle Control, Physiology of Skeletal Muscle Contraction and Fiber Type, Providing Energy for Muscular Contraction (bioenergetics), Body System Response and Adaptation to Exercise, Physiology behind exercise programming under the FITT framework (Frequency-Intensity-Time-Type) for health/fitness, athletic, and special populations, Physiology behind nutritional requirements for health/fitness, performance, and body composition, and future research in the field.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, and either CHEM 1001/1002 or CHEM 1010/1110.

Corequisite: EXSC 2021.

EXSC 2021 - Exercise Physiology Lab - 1 credit

Fall Semester

Complimentary to the Lecture, this is a foundational course in Human Exercise Physiology where typical physiological adaptations to exercise and energy requirements are explored for both athletic and special populations. Different from the lecture, this lab is focused on practical, hands-on learning. This requires full and active participation of the student. Students are encouraged to approach this course through a critical lens, challenging current theories and research. Specific topics include: Physiology of Skeletal Muscle Contraction with Application to Exercise and Performance, Calculation of Work, Power and Force in Terms of Exercise Energy Expenditure, Energy Systems, Principles of Warm-Up and Cool-Down, Physiology and Measurement of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Response to Exercise, Exercise Testing for Cardiovascular Fitness and Sport Specific Training, Design and Implementation of Health and Fitness Programming for active and special populations, Design and Implementation of Training Programming for Athletic Populations, and Nutritional Considerations for Exercise.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, and either CHEM 1001/1002 or CHEM 1010/1110.

Corequisite: EXSC 2020.

EXSC 2120 - Exercise Testing and Programming for Human Performance - 3 credits

Spring Semester

Through a critical lens, students will examine the standards for Exercise Testing screening and administration as established by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Students will develop an understanding of the protocols for exercise testing within the health and fitness domains of: cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and sport-specific testing. Students will call upon their knowledge of human anatomy and exercise physiology to extrapolate testing results into tangible health and fitness goals for Exercise Program design.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, either CHEM 1001/1002 or CHEM 1010/1110, EXSC 2001, EXSC 2001/2020.

Corequisite: EXSC 2121.

EXSC 2121 - Exercise Testing and Programming for Human Performance Lab - 1 credit

Spring Semester

Students will develop skills in screening, administration, and evaluation of Exercise Testing Protocols within the domains of: cardiorespiratory fitness, body composition, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and sport-specific testing. Students will learn to apply these skills for carryover into Exercise Program design for health and fitness.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, either CHEM 1001/1002 or CHEM 1010/1110, EXSC 2001, EXSC 2001/2020.

Corequisite: EXSC 2120.

EXSC 2200 - Performance Nutrition in Exercise and Sport - 3 credits

Spring Semester

This course provides an in-depth understanding of the interactions between nutrition and exercise with an emphasis on performance. This course will examine the energy demands of different athletic populations before, during, and after exercise. Students will apply this understanding to consider how those demands can be met with nutrition as well as supplemented by ergogenic aids. By the end of the semester, students will use this knowledge to perform a case study on energy demands and recommended nutritional sources for a specific athletic population.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, either CHEM 1001/1002 or CHEM 1010/1110, EXSC 1200, EXSC 2020/2021.

EXSC 3020 - Principles of Strength and Conditioning - 3 credits

Fall Semester

Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the physiological principles and adaptations in the human body for various exercise modalities: muscular strength & power, aerobic conditioning, plyometrics, and muscular endurance. Students will use this understanding for exercise equipment selection, environmental considerations, and exercise programming for the individual’s energy and/or sport demands. Additionally, students will critically examine coaching and motivational techniques when it comes to strength and conditioning. The course will culminate in a final project where students critically research and examine a new training trend, looking at its’ efficacy and predicted use.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, EXSC 2001, EXSC 2020/2021, EXSC 2120/2121.

Corequisite: EXSC 3021.

EXSC 3021 - Principles of Strength and Conditioning Lab - 1 credit

Fall Semester

Students will build upon the didactic knowledge from lecture to gain applied skills in exercise and fitness assessment, program design, and program modification for the training modalities of: muscular strength & power, aerobic conditioning, plyometrics, and muscular endurance. Students will also be tasked to critically consider equipment selection and demonstrate skills in recognizing the need for exercise modification and progression. The course will culminate in a final project where students will apply their hands on knowledge to program design and consideration for a specific sport.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, EXSC 2001, EXSC 2020/2021, EXSC 2120/2121.

Corequisite: EXSC 3020.

EXSC 3120 - Prevention and Care of Sports Injuries - 3 credits

Fall Semester

This course is designed for students to examine exercise prescription for both health and fitness as well as athletic populations through the lens of prevention. Students will learn the pathophysiology behind common musculoskeletal injuries, how they can be prevented (pre-screening), and how exercise programs can be modified for past or current injuries.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, EXSC 2001, EXSC 2020/2021, EXSC 2120/2121.

Corequisite: EXSC 3121.

EXSC 3121- Prevention and Care of Sports Injuries Lab - 1 credit

Fall Semester

This course is designed for students to build on their didactic knowledge of musculoskeletal injuries and become skilled in hands on movement analysis techniques, exercise modifications, and equipment adjustments for injury and prevention. Students will also learn about basic first-aid and emergency procedures for exercise-related injuries.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, EXSC 2001, EXSC 2020/2021, EXSC 2120/2121.

Corequisite: EXSC 3120.

EXSC 3450 - Exercise Science Internship I - 3 credits

Spring Semester

Provides students with an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills from a planned work experience in the student’s career field. Internships are completed under the guidance of an on-site supervisor / clinical instructor. In addition to meeting core learning outcomes, students will be required to fulfill internship requirements at midterm and final as evaluated by clinical instructor and the faculty internship advisor. Internship placements are directly related to the student’s program of study and provide learning experiences that go beyond the classroom. This first internship may also be used as an opportunity to explore career fields. Students must meet with Internship Coordinator / Faculty Internship Advisor prior to registering.

EXSC 4560- Exercise Science Internship II- 3 credits

Spring Semester

Builds upon internship I to give students further, in-depth, hands-on skills from a planned work experience within the student’s career field Internships are completed under the guidance of an on-site supervisor / clinical instructor. In addition to meeting core learning outcomes, students will be required to fulfill internship requirements at midterm and final as evaluated by clinical instructor and the faculty internship advisor. Internship placements are directly related to the student’s program of study and provide learning experiences that go beyond the classroom. Students must meet with Internship Coordinator / Faculty Internship Advisor prior to registering.

EXSC 4600- Research Methods in Exercise Science - 3 credits

Fall Semester

In this course, students will develop their knowledge in accessing, evaluating, and disseminating scientifically based research within the field of Exercise Science. Students will develop skills in critical thinking, problem solving, ethical assessment, research planning, and processes. This course will culminate in a final research project.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, EXSC 1200, EXSC 2001, EXSC 2020/2021, EXSC 2120/2121, EXSC 2200, EXSC 3020/3021, EXSC 3120/3121.

EXSC 4650- Clinical Exercise Physiology and Prescription - 3 credits

Spring Semester

Through didactic and hands on application, students will examine Exercise Physiology as related to special populations (i.e. acute and chronic disease as well as lifespan). Students will apply their physiology knowledge to clinical considerations for exercise testing and prescription for the special populations outlined. Students will practice their professional interview skills to address related topics of clinical crisis management and behavioral approaches. This course will culminate with a summative research paper and presentation on a chosen clinical disorder/disease.

Prerequisites: BIOL 1075/1175, BIOL 1085/1185, EXSC 1200, EXSC 2001, EXSC 2020/2021, EXSC 2120/2121, EXSC 2200, EXSC 3020/3021, EXSC 3120/3121, EXSC 3450, EXSC 4600.