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Principal and Supervisor Licensure Program

Strong and effective leaders are in demand to meet the challenges of state and federal accountability, high-stakes testing, classroom diversity, and constrained resources. This Curry College Principal and Supervisor Licensure (PSL) Program combines theory and practice through its field work and practicum-linked assignments in:

  • change theory

  • instructional leadership

  • data-driven assessment

  • teacher evaluation, recruitment, supervision and support

Our Principal and Supervisor Licensure program is designed to provide aspiring school administrators with relevant education, hands-on preparation, and real-world practical experiences needed to qualify for a school leadership position. Developed in partnership with a select group of area districts, the program is built upon a collaborative working relationship between area school districts and Curry College. Using a unique practicum- linked assignment and assessment model to assure theory is closely linked to practice, the program bridges the divide between research and reality to assure effective administrator preparation. The Curry College program is unique in its collaboration, its emphasis on practice in support of theory, and its strong support of leadership candidates. For students who want to further their education in leadership, the PSL program also serves as the first phase of Curry’s new Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS) in Educational Leadership, described later in this section.


This Post-Master’s certificate prepares experienced educators to prepare for the following leadership roles:

  • Principal/Vice Principal (Pre-K—8; 5--12)

  • Supervisor/Director (level depends on pre-requisite license)

  • Special Education Administrator

Unique Program Features

  • Intensive 12-month program

  • “Grow your Own” model, where districts identify and support their own selected candidates

  • Full year, 550-hours of administrative work in the field as a pre-practicum and practicum to gain real-world leadership experience

  • Coursework informed by the latest research on best practices

  • Practicum assignments differentiated by licensure area

  • District/College partnerships to assure high support and meaningful learning

  • Blend of technologically-enhanced online and on-the-ground instruction and discussion

  • Program exceeds revised minimum Massachusetts DESE standards for licensure

District/College Partnerships

Curry College developed this program in collaboration with a core group of participating districts. This working partnership and commitment maximizes the success of principal/assistant principal, supervisor/director and administrator candidates in their practicum settings. Partnership expectations for both district partners and the College are described below.

State Approved Program

In 2012, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) promulgated new standards for school leadership. Curry College’s program meets DESE’s program standards and has received DESE approval.

DESE has also developed a Performance Assessment for Leaders, known as MA-PAL. Principal licensure candidates must complete a set of tasks that principals are likely to encounter, and collect artifacts and other material demonstrating what they have done. Candidates for Supervisor/Director or Special Education Administrator are not required to complete any state assessments at this time.

Enrollment Requirements

The program is designed for experienced educators who have demonstrated leadership capacity and interest. As such, the PSL program requires:

  • An earned master’s degree in an education-related discipline from an accredited institution

  • Passing scores on the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) Communication and Literacy Skills Test

  • Candidates must also hold a current educational license, must have at least 3 years’ experience working under that license, and must have a mentor who holds the license the candidate is seeking with at least 3 years’ experience working under that license.

  • Evidence of leadership experience or potential

  • District support for full participation in the program

Curriculum and Course Content

The Principal and Supervisor Licensure program is a 23-credit post-master’s certificate offered in a cohort format. Students join a cohort and proceed through the program together. Cohorts allow students to get to know each other well, to support each other in the program, and to begin to develop a professional network that will last beyond the end of the program. Below is a sample schedule for the program. Students will follow the program schedule offered for their particular cohort.




EDL 7010 Theory and Practice of Leadership


EDL 7150 Getting Started: Pre-Practicum in Educational Leadership


EDL 7060 Sheltered English Immersion for Administrators


(50 hours minimum)


EDL 7020 Leadership in Teaching and Learning


EDL 7030 Human Resources, Operational Systems, and School- Based Budgeting


EDL 7160 Practicum in Educational Leadership


(250 hours minimum)


EDL 7040 Community and Family Engagement


EDL 7050 Education Law, Ethics and Policies


EDL 7160/7161/7162/7163 Practicum in Educational Leadership


(250 hours minimum)

Total Required Credits