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Program for Advancement of Learning (PAL)

PAL 1180 - Summer PAL - 3 credits

Summer Term

This course is an intensive learning experience for entering first year students or transfer students who have been accepted into the Program for Advancement of Learning (PAL). Through this immersion style course, students have the opportunity to develop an understanding of themselves as learners within the context of higher education. This understanding is based in PAL’s core learning outcomes: metacognition, self-regulation, active and engaged learning, critical thinking and reasoning skills. Working with a PAL faculty mentor and a small group of peers, students will construct strength-based strategies for written communication, reading, listening, note-taking, critical thinking, problem-solving, personal goal setting, organization and team- work. Activities include: developing an individual learning profile, attending mini-courses taught by Curry professors, experimenting with assistive technologies, and experiencing the rich learning resources of the Curry College community. Student learning culminates with a learning portfolio.

Additional course fee applies.

Signature of Director or Coordinator of PAL is required.

PAL 1185 - Assistive Technology: Reading & Writing Support Tools - 1 credit

College students are assigned a great deal of reading and writing in college. Both skills are critical to understanding course content. This course provides hands-on practice with assistive technology (AT) applications that will improve access to college-level reading and writing for students with learning challenges. A metacognitive foundation for reading and writing skills is provided through AT for students to become more reliant on their own resources. Course outcomes: students will learn to apply reading apps which will give them better and more efficient access to course-related reading matter and; students will learn to apply writing apps which will give them better access to developing first and final drafts of college-level papers.

Additional course fee applies.

Signature of Director or Coordinator of PAL is required.

PAL 1190 - The Learning Process I: Exploration, Insight, and Application - 1.5 credits

Fall and Spring Semesters

This course is the first in the two-course sequence for students admitted to Curry College through the Program for Advancement of Learning. Focused on the transition from high school learning expectations to those of college courses, PAL 1190 offers students a curriculum designed to foster an understanding of themselves as learners through faculty mentorship. Students are introduced to and explore learning strategies in the following core areas: metacognition, self-regulation, active and engaged learning, critical thinking and reasoning, receptive and expressive language. Students will create an educational plan, outlining: personal and academic long-term goals, semester goals, learning strengths, challenges, and strategies. The faculty mentor and student collaborate on evaluating student progress towards these goals throughout the semester, culminating in a reflective student paper and faculty report, which outlines individualized recommendations for the PAL 1200, the second course in the sequence.

Additional course fee applies.

Signature of Director or Coordinator of PAL is required.

PAL 1195 - Connections to Learning - 3 credits

This course provides opportunities for students to learn more about different ways of knowing as they delve deeply into their own personal learning, using current theories as well as previous academic and personal college experiences as the foundation for thoughtful reflections and goal setting. Various learning theories will provide a springboard for class discussions providing forums for sharing experiences and insights within a community of learners. Connections will be made between theory and practice, to further enhance metacognitive awareness. This course is designed to practice and reinforce diverse strategies and methods of learning in order to enhance and improve personal and academic success.

This course is repeatable for credit.

PAL 1200 - The Learning Process II: Insight, Strategic Development, and Application - 1.5 credits

Fall and Spring Semesters

This course builds on the learning insights and strategies developed in PAL 1190 while facilitating increasing independence and strategic learning in the areas of metacognition, self- regulation, critical thinking and reasoning, receptive and expressive language, and decision making. Students will revise their PAL 1190 educational plans, incorporating lessons learned in the previous semester as well as taking into account the current semester’s course expectations. The faculty mentor and student collaboratively evaluate student progress towards these goals throughout the semester, culminating in a reflective student paper and faculty report.

Prerequisite: PAL 1190. Additional course fee applies.

Signature of Director or Coordinator of PAL is required.

PAL 1210 - Applied Strategic Learning I - 0 credits

Fall and Spring Semesters

Open to students who have completed PAL 1190 and 1200, this course provides on going faculty mentorship in developing and applying strategic learning approaches for academic success in advancing course work. Students in PAL 1210 meet with their faculty mentors twice weekly for individualized instruction and collaboration. This course may be repeated.

Prerequisite: PAL 1200. Additional course fee applies.

Signature of Director or Coordinator of PAL is required.

PAL 1220 - Applied Strategic Learning II - 0 credits

Fall and Spring Semesters

Open to students who have completed PAL 1190 and 1200, this course provides on going faculty mentorship in developing and applying strategic learning approaches for academic success in advancing course work. Students in PAL 1210 meet with their faculty mentors once weekly for individualized instruction and collaboration. This course may be repeated.

Prerequisite: PAL 1190, 1200. Additional course fee applies.

Signature of Director or Coordinator of PAL is required.

PAL 2000 - Peer Mentoring and Coaching - 3 credits

This course capitalizes upon meaningful insights that PAL students have created about their own learning and the effective use of Curry College resources. The course is nested in various theoretical perspectives including social psychology, education, and counseling psychology. These offer frameworks for understanding how to serve as effective peer mentors for first year students. Through reading, writing, discussion and some hands- on experience, the course provides practical knowledge about how to develop effective mentoring and coaching practices in their work with at-risk individuals with learning differences who are in emerging adulthood and employ generative mentoring models to gain insight into diverse communities. In particular, participants will identify root-cause and evidence-based interventions and foster resilience in their mentees.

This course meets the General Education Diversity requirement.

Pre or co-requisites: Two of the following: PAL 1180, 1190, 1200 (or permission of instructor). Sophomore standing preferred.